A Travellerspoint blog

Day 32, The Last Day!

Sunday 25th August

sunny 28 °C
View Scandinavia 2019 on CariadJohn's travel map.

As usual, it's days after our return, and I'm sat in the living room trying to finish off my blog. The washing has all been done, the van cleaned and the house is now back to normal. What is there left to do but finish off the blog and start to plan for next year?

We knew our last day was going to be a long one, so we deliberately planned in some chill time. We left the camp site from hell, and drove back the way we had come. Lyn found his way onto one of the dike roads, and we drove out onto a fishing pier type road which was quiet and surrounded by water. There was no one in sight, and it was just utterly peaceful. I managed to get into my bikini for the first time this holiday and we pulled the chairs out and chilled for a few hours with our kindles. It must have looked as if we had quarrelled as I was sat at the front of the van in the sunshine, and Lyn was at the back of the van in the shade.


We enjoyed this, and reluctantly pulled ourselves back into reality to start the long drive home. The drive from the Netherlands to Calais took us about 4 hours and we reached Calais in plenty of time for our 7.50pm crossing. Yeah right! The Eurotunnel in August was it's usual chaos, and we waited over an hour to check in, then they were turning vehicles away as there was no room in the car park. We eventually got on with about 90 minutes delay, then faced the sad ride back home, getting back home at about 2.30am Bank Holiday morning.

So, how would we sum up our holiday? From my perspective it was much better than anticipated. I really hadn't fancied Norway, but was blown away by the sheer beauty of the place. My biggest memories will be of the colour of the sea and just how clear it was. The beaches were beautiful and if it wasn't for the absence of Bob Marley music and palm trees you could have felt you were in the Caribbean. I also enjoyed the cities; Stockholm and Oslo were beautiful, with amazing public transport systems and both very clean and safe. I loved the museums and art galleries in both.

The biggest drawbacks for me were two fold; the sheer distances involved and hence time spent in the van, and the expense of food, drinks etc. We ended up driving 5,011 miles, which is a bloody long way. There is no easy way to get there, as there are no ferries to Norway from the UK, so you are faced with a big drive through Europe to start with, then a long ferry ride, then another long drive to get to Northern Norway. The Norwegian roads are also not good; they are not fast and tend to be single carriage way and can be expensive with tolls. We will be billed for them in about a month, and a van of our size can cost 2-3 times the price of a car. We did absolutely the right thing in driving there through Sweden.There were many many tunnels, some very scary, plus many ferries, which were fun. We had been anticipating heavy food expenses, so had filled our van with staples such as pasta, tins, pizza bases, cereal, snacks etc, so we only had to buy the basics such as bread, milk, butter etc., and meat occasionally. Lyn also had to have his daily sausage at about 7 pounds a time! I would never want to fly into Norway and stay in hotels and eat out, as it's not my type of food (fermented herring??) and very expensive with not much choice. We drunk less alcohol than in any previous holiday, as we mainly drunk what we took.

My biggest regret, however, is that we didn't spend enough time in the places that we loved. We were on a road trip with a schedule to keep to, so we were ever mindful of keeping on track. Hind sight is a wonderful thing, and if we had know that our favourite places were to be in Senja and the Lofotens, we would have stayed there longer, and not pushed on so fast. You never know what is around the corner, to the tendency is to keep on going. We could definitely have left off the last day of the Atlantic Coast road. If I had to pick put one standout place in our trip, it would definitely be Uttakleiv Beach. Lyn had seen Uttakleiv Beach in video of a man with his drone over the beach, and had ear marked it as one we had to go to. i am so glad he did as it's such a special place, and I'm sad I'll never get back there. We may get back to Norway in the future, but it will be on a Fjord Cruise, or more to Southern Norway. We probably won't go back to Finland, unless we do a Northern Lights trip, or a city break to Helsinki, but we will definitely definitely return to Sweden. We are planning it right now!

Some stats from our trip;

8 countries visited
5 different currencies
32 nights away
8 nights camp sites, 24 nights wild camping
5,011 Miles driven
1338 pounds Fuel cost
21 fuel stops
15 ferreis
Countless tunnels
Too many pounds of pick n mix and definitely too many sausages!
No arguments!!

Rate my drive for Lyn 10/10

Hope you enjoyed my blog, if you have then please subscribe so you get updated for our next trip; Thailand Easter 2020!

Posted by CariadJohn 06:16 Archived in United Kingdom Tagged netherlands calais eurotunnel harveytherv hymer travelswithharvey

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Really enjoyed the blogs and was always looking forward to the next instalment, maybe you could go for 2 months next time ????

by Steven perks

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