A Travellerspoint blog

Day 28, Back to the Euro!

Wednesday 21st August

sunny 21 °C
View Scandinavia 2019 on CariadJohn's travel map.

Bye bye Denmark, and hello Germany! Just a quick blog post tonight, as today was mainly about travelling through Denmark to get to the German border so we can SHOP!

Oh yes, shop! We found a supermarket just over the border. This supermarket was bigger than Wales. Seriously. It was massive. You can see that it is clearly used by Scandinavians chasing cheaper alcohol and sweets. I’ve never seen so many aisles of chocolates and sweets. The alcohol section was like a whole supermarket in it’s own right, with it’s own checkouts. Reading the reviews of it beforehand I read one from a man who travels 300km each way once a month just to do his shopping here!

After stocking up on German beer for Lyn, and a few essentials, we were back on the road. We drove over a bridge over the Kiel Ship Canal which artificially dissects the whole danish peninsula shortcutting ships routes from the Baltic to the North Sea. This excited Lyn, but not me!

We were heading down to the River Elbe, which meant we bypassed Hamburg and it’s awful traffic problems. The River Elbe is one of the major rivers of Central Europe, over 1000km long, flowing from the Czech Republic through Germany and into the North Sea.

Lyn found us an amazing camping spot for the night, right on its banks. The river is calm and peaceful, and absolutely vast. Lyn is in his element watching the huge container ships go past. We had a barbecue and watched the sunset. It was good to take some time out to kick back and chill outside, especially as it was my perfect temperature of 21 degrees!


Posted by CariadJohn 14:07 Archived in Germany Tagged bridges boats river germany denmark elbe harveytherv hymer travelswithharvey

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