A Travellerspoint blog

Day 1, The Day We Met The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse!

Thursday 25th July

38 °C
View Scandinavia 2019 on CariadJohn's travel map.

As travelling days go, this was not up there with the best! We left on time; even managed a breakfast in Moruzzi’s beforehand. We left at 12pm, ready for our little run down to Folkestone and our 9pm tunnel crossing. Plenty of time to take it easy, have a little nap, do a bit of shopping…….

Yeah, right! Now factor in huge motorway delays and God knows what problems at the tunnel, and here you have it! Checked in at 6.30pm to be told the services are running 3.30 hours behind. We go into the terminal, after frantically trying to find a spare inch to park in, to find the whole of the UK, plus their dogs are trying to a) sleep in there, b) entertain their bored kids in there, or c) stay cool in there. We found the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse on their iPhones sat outside WH Smith’s!

Luckily for us we have a well equipped very expensive motor home to relax in. We have a fridge full of cold drinks…..but…..no air con once the engine is off, and it’s 37.5 degrees! We took to our bed in futile hope of some rest. I got up and braved the terminal at midnight to use their loo. The boards showed no mention of our train. Hmmm. On the way back, however, it had reappeared, and was now scheduled for 6.08am. A mere 9 hours delay! Back to the sweat box it was! Luckily, Lyn woke and looked at the boards at 1am, only to shout that all trains were now to proceed to departures! Great, pulling our clothes on we joined a huge queue, and eventually made it onto a train. Good job the weather was so warm we hadn’t missed it. That would have been fun! France bound, and ready for Day 2…….

Posted by CariadJohn 13:28 Archived in United Kingdom Tagged harveytherv hymer

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